- Pablo Breuer, Mike Klipstein, “Powering the DIME: Unlearned Lessons of Asymmetric National Power in Cyberspace“, Cyber Defense Review, Winter 2021
- Marc Rogers, The Grugq, Pablo Breuer, SJ Terp, “Defending the COVID-19 vaccine rollout with best practices from the cybersecurity industry”, HelpNet Security, 2021
- SJ Terp, FiveBy team, “Enterprise appropriate responses to disinformation risks“, FiveBy report, 2021
- The Grugq, “kPop Fans: Non-Traditional, Non-State Actors“, Okta, 2020
- The Grugq, “CrimeOps: The Operational Art of Cyber Crime“, Okta, 2020
- SJ Terp, Pablo Breuer, Christopher Walker, John Grey “Building standards for misinfosec“, Credibility Coalition report, July 2019
- SJ Terp, John Gray, “The MisinfoSec Framework Takes Shape: Misinformation, Stages, Techniques and Responses. Developing the AMITT (Adversarial Misinformation and Influence Tactics and Techniques) framework“, Credibility Coalition Medium post, Jun 19 2019
- SJ Terp, John Gray, “Misinformation: We’re Four Steps Behind Its Creators“, BRIMS, 2019
- SJ Terp, “Misinformation has Stages: Now we just need to work out what the stages should be“, Misinfocon medium post, 2019-05-13
- SJ Terp, Pablo Breuer, Christopher Walker, Courtney Crooks “Misinfosec: applying information security paradigms to misinformation campaigns“, Companion proceedings of the 2019 World Wide Web Conference, San Francisco USA, 2019-03-17
- Wendy Knox-Everett and Brittany Postnikoff, SJ Terp, “From bot to robot: how abilities and law change with physicality“, Black Hat, 2018-08
- SJ Terp Crisismapping as best practice for flood management, 2013
- SJ Terp, Foreword to Robson et al, “Responding to liability: evaluating and reducing tort liability for digital volunteers“, 2012
- SJ Terp, Architecting UAV Sense & Avoid Systems, 2007
- SJ Terp, Persistent Surveillance for Policing Urban Areas, 2007
- SJ Terp, Designing Sense & Avoid Systems for UAVs, 2007
- SJ Terp, Application of probabilistic graph matching algorithms to automated creativity and information fusion, 2002
- SJ Terp, Computationally efficient natural gradient descent, 1998
- SJ Terp, Making informed decisions: intelligence analysis for new forms of conflict, 1997
- SJ Terp, Uncertainty handling for military intelligence, 1997
- SJ Terp, Application of belief network theory to computer vision control, 1992